Robb Shenton, Dave Kaye and Byron Elwell Guests Gallery 15
Robb Shenton, Dave Kaye, and Byron Elwell were our special guests on 9th March 2010.

Robb and Dave recorded for Joe Meek in the sixties, and they have teamed up with keyboard maestro Byron to record a CD called Retro Reflections.
Visit this website for more details.

(l to r) Byron, Dave, and Robb

They played a track 'Tornado', written by Byron in support of the A1 Steam Trust

The A1 Steam Trust is a large group of railway enthusiasts who have built a main-line steam locomotive, and are now running it all around Britain.
Click the photo for more information, and to find out if it's coming to your area.
Steam locomotive 'Tornado' at Gloucester
Robb Shenton and Roy Young Robb and Roy Young attended the 50th anniversary celebrations of the Star Club in Hamburg, Germany on 12 and 13th April 2012. The most famous artists to appear there were, of course, the Beatles, but many other artists also appeared in it's relatively short life, between 1962 and 1969.
Robb was also our guest on 7th April 2009, with his wife Sheila.
Robb recorded with Joe Meek in the sixties, and has also recorded a tribute track 'Lonely Joe'.
Robb Shenton and Sheila
Robb Shenton and Dell Their mate Dave was also in the studio, and also Roy Williams was manning the phones that night.

(l to r) Sheila, Robb, Roy, and Dave

Guests Gallery 15 Robb Shenton and Dell