Guests Gallery 12 Johnnie Fox and the Crondall Crew
Johnnie Fox and the Crondall Crew
visited Radio Caroline on 31st August 2010.

The legendary Johnnie Fox came to the legendary Radio Caroline with Janie and Ady, the main organisers of the Crondall rock'n'roll club, along with daughter Emma.

(l to r) Ady, Johnnie, and Janie, with Emma at the desk.

The Leprechaun Johnnie Fox is a legend on the British rock'n'roll scene, and he has been playing no-nonsense rock'n'roll for many years. He can also give a beautiful rendition of a ballad, and his version of 'Nobody's Child' is always a show-stopper (in the best way !)

The Leprechaun!

Janie, Ady and daughter Emma also visited Radio Caroline on 19th February 2013.
Rockin' Jan and Malc Minnie were also in the studio, meaning it was a night of complete mayhem.

(l to r) Ady, Rockin' Jan, Janie, Malc, Emma, and Dell

Janie, Ady and the gang
Janie, Ady and Rockin' Jan Janie and Ady also visited Radio Caroline on 19th February 2008.
They are the main organisers of the Crondall rock'n'roll club in Surrey (probably the oldest club in the country) with valuable help from family and friends.

(l to r) Janie, Rockin' Jan, and Ady

Janie is known as 'The Wild Cruisin' Cat', and also visited Radio Caroline on 13th March 2007.

(l to r) Rockin' Jan, Janie and Dell

Janie the Wild Cruisin' Cat
Guests Gallery 12